- Android runs on the top of Linux Operating System.
- It has Dalvik Virtual Machine (DVM), optimized for mobile phones.
- It is integrated browser based on Web kit engine.
- Open GL ES for graphics.
- Sqlite Support for database.
- Media Support
- GSM Technology
- Bluetooth, EDGE, 3G, wi-fi
Application Fundamentals
- It is mostly written in java programming language.
- Final output of the android program is .apk file.
- Android consist of Components, resources, and AndroidManifest file.
- Components of Android are:-
- Activities
- Services
- Content Providers
- Broadcast Receiver
- An Activity represents User Interface which is visible to the user.
- Typically an android application have many activities.
- Every Activity in android has a life Cycle.
- User Interface can be built in XML or Java.
- Service performs long running operation in the background.
- Service doesn't have any User Interface.
- Example:- music player is the example of service.
- Content Providers is the interface to data for all the application.
- Can be used to store and retrieve data and make it accessible to all application.
- Example:- Content Providers for the Contacts, if we want to access phonebook through any application.
- It is the component that will respond to the system wide events.
- It doesn’t have any User Interface.
- An application can have its own Broadcast Receiver that will respond to the particular event.
- Example :- Incoming call is an events, that Broadcast Receiver will receive and you can perform some action when any incoming call comes.
- It is in the root of the android project folder.
- It describes used components in the application.
- It describes the permission need to run the application.
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